Payroll & Corporate

Corporate Council

Control your corporate management

The legal requirements for corporate management are constantly changing.

Our corporate consultancy services will enable you to manage your business by ensuring that your decisions are in line with the law.

Corporate management experts at your disposal

Our expertise

Payroll compliance

  • Analysis and optimisation of payroll processes
  • Control of pay slips
  • Compliance with employment law, collective bargaining agreements and company agreements
  • Verification and optimisation of social contributions
  • Study and optimisation of the configuration of your payroll management tool
  • Assistance in the event of an Urssaf inspection

Legal compliance

  • Assistance in employment law: application of the rules and of your collective bargaining and any company agreements…
  • Hiring: choosing the type of contract, drafting or validating its clauses…
  • Termination: study of the context and collection of facts, proposal of the most suitable method of termination, reasons and obligations in the event of redundancy, timetable and drafting of procedural letters…
  • Advice: duration and organisation of working hours, mandatory annual negotiations (NAO), implementation of employee save-as-you-earn schemes, occupational health, professional equality…
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