Payroll & Corporate

Delegated management

Ensure the continuity of your payroll & corporate service activity.

During the life of a company, many situations may require additional skills in payroll management to handle reorganisation of the HR department, internal errors, recruitment difficulties, etc.

In order to ensure the continuity of your activity, we’ll take over, providing you with a qualified resource. We also ensure the continuity of relationships with all the organisations in contact with your company: Urssaf, pension funds, reserve funds, trade unions, CSE, DGFIP, occupational health.

Gestion déléguée

A qualified resource at your disposal.

Our expertise

We provide administrative management and payroll processing

Whatever your needs, we intervene quickly to ensure the successful daily management of your department. Our advisers take the place of missing resources and carry out all the tasks on your behalf, including

  • Hiring formalities (declaration of hiring, registration of employees with the various funds, etc.)
  • Administrative management of the employee’s position (follow-up of medical examinations, medical leaves of absence, etc.)
  • Exit formalities (balance of accounts, certificates, etc.)
  • Payroll processing in your software Social contribution declarations
  • Post-payroll statements and updating of your dashboards
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